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How To Clean Window Runners

How To Clean Window Runners

Cleaning window runners, or tracks can be easy but it can also be a time consuming chore.

The easy way is to vacuum out the runners. Often the sediment will be loose and come out easily with a high pressure vacuum cleaner. However, what do you do if the gunk is stuck to the bottom?

Consider the following technique:
  • Pour baking soda into the runner(especially the corners).
  • Apply a small amount of vinegar to cover the soda(which will then bubble)
  • Leave for 5-10 minutes
  • with a toothbrush, work all the gunk towards the centre of the runner
  • Use a paper towel to remove all the gunk and then, throw away
  • put a wet rag on a blunt knife and wipe through the runner to remove any remaining residue.

As always, test a small area first. However, this technique should save you time and money in cleaning your own window runners. Enjoy!!

Stay tuned to housewindowcleaning for more great tips!!!
